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1 Diffusion

[1]The fundamental kinetic equation for surface diffusion is given in eq 2. D=νa2(EdiffkBT)D={\nu}a^2(\frac{-E_{diff}}{k_BT}) where DD = diffusion coefficient, ν\nu = jump frequency = kBT/hk_BT/h = 6×1012\sim6\times10^{12} s−1 at 300 K, aa = jump distance (2×108\sim2\times10^{−8} cm for the activation step), and EdiffE_{diff} = diffusion activation energy.

[2]The kinetic equation for surface diffusion is given by Ref.[1], D=D0exp(EmkBT)=νd2exp(EmkBT)D=D_0exp(\frac{-E_m}{k_BT})={\nu}d^2exp(\frac{-E_m}{k_BT}) where DD is the diffusion coefficient, D0D_0 is the diffusion prefactor, nn is the attempt frequency, dd is the jump distance, and EmE_m is diffusion barrier. Assume that the motion of Ca atom around its equilibrium position is harmonic, the attempt frequency n can be estimated by a parabolic fit the curve of total energy as a function of Ca near the equilibrium position along the diffusion path using Eq. (2). with kk is the force constant and mm the mass of Ca. E=12kr2E=\frac{1}{2}kr^2 ν=12πk/m\nu=\frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{k/m} The calculated attempt frequency and the diffusion prefactor are 1.64 THz and 1.37×1031.37\times10 ^{-3} cm2/s, respectively. The estimated diffusioncoefficient for Ca on the novel boron sheet at 300 K is 1.2×10101.2\times10^{-10} cm2/s.

2 Stability

[2]The stability of the hydrogen adsorbed structures is judged by the relative energy, which are defined by formula (5) and (6) for CaB8(H2)n and Ca2B8(H2)12, respectively, of the adsorbed system with respected to the separated species: Er=ECaB8(H2)nECaB8n(EH2+μH2(T,P))E_r=E_{CaB_8(H_2)_n}-E_{CaB_8}-n(E_{H_2}+\mu_{H_2}(T,P)) Where ECaB8(H2)nE_{CaB_8(H_2)_n}, ECaB8E_{CaB_8} and (EH2(E_{H_2} are still the DFT energy for CaB8(H2)nCaB_8(H_2)_n , CaB8CaB_8 and H2H_2 molecule, respectively. μH2(T,P)\mu_{H_2}(T,P) is chemical potential of hydrogen molecule at given pressure and temperature. The μH2(T,P)\mu_{H_2}(T,P) can be calculated by the formula μH2(T,P)=ΔHTΔS+kBTln(PP0)\mu_{H_2}(T,P)=\Delta{H}-T\Delta{S}+k_BTln(\frac{P}{P^0}) where P0=1P^0 = 1 bar=0.1 mPa, kBk_B is Boltzmann constant, (ΔHTΔS\Delta{H}-T\Delta{S}) is the changing of chemical potential due to changing the temper- ature from T=0T=0 K to target temperature T at constant pres- sure P0P^0 . ΔH\Delta{H }is the changing in the enthalpy and TΔST\Delta{S} is entropy factor. For calculation values of (ΔHTΔS\Delta{H}-T\Delta{S}) the thermochemical tables[50] were used.

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