m_e^*=\hbar[\frac{\partial^2E(k)}{\partial k^2}]^{-1}
An expression for the mobility in 1D systems is \mu_{1D}=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\frac{e\hbar^2 C^{1D}}{\sqrt{k_B T} (m_e^*)^{3/2} E_l^2} which should be relevant for BP ribbons. The narrower the ribbon, the smaller is its effective elastic modulus.
In 2D the carrier mobility is given by the expression \mu^{2D}=\frac{e\hbar^3 C^{2D}}{k_B T m_c^* m_d (E_l^i)^2} where m_c^* is the effective mass in the transport direction and m_d is the average effective mass determined by m_d=\sqrt{m_x^*m_y^*} . The term E_l represents the deformation potential constant of the valence-band minimum for hole or conduction-band maximum for electron along the transport direction, defined by E_l^i(VBM/CBM)=\frac{\Delta (E(VBM/CBM)-E(vac))}{\Delta l/l_0}
Here {\Delta}V_i is the energy change of the ith band under proper cell compression and dilatation (calculated using a step of 0.5%), l_0 is the lattice constant in the transport direction and {\Delta}l is the deformation of l_0. The elastic modulus C^{2D} of the longitudinal strain in the propagation directions (both x and y) of the longitudinal acoustic wave is derived from (E_l-E_0)/S_0=\frac{ C^{2D}}{2}(\Delta l/l_0)^2 \Rightarrow E_l=E_0+\frac{S_0 C^{2D}}{2}(\Delta l/l_0)^2
,where E is the total energy and S_0 is the lattice volume at equilibrium for a 2D system. All structural properties in the calculation of carrier mobilities were obtained from optB88-vdW and properties related to the electronic structure were computed with the HSE06 functional. The temperature used for the mobility calculations was 300 K.
\mu^{2D}=\frac{e\hbar^3 C^{2D}}{k_B T m_c^* m_d (E_l^i)^2}
=\frac{\sout{1.602\times10^{-19}CV}/V*(1.054571817\times10^{-34})^3J^3s^3 C^{2D}N/m}{1.380649\times10^{-23}J/\sout{K}*300\sout{K}*m_c^ * m_d * (9.10956\times10^{-31})^2 kg^2 (E_l^i)^2*(1.602\times10^{-19}CV)^{\sout2}}
=\frac{(1.054571817\times10^{-34})^3Js^3/V C^{2D}J/m^2}{1.380649\times10^{-23} *300 *m_c^ * m_d * (9.10956\times10^{-31})^2 kg^2 (E_l^i)^2*(1.602\times10^{-19})}
=\frac{(1.054571817\times10^{-34})^3Js^{\sout{3}}/V C^{2D}\sout{J/m^2}}{1.380649\times10^{-23} *300 *m_c^ * m_d * (9.10956\times10^{-31})^2 kg^{\sout{2}} (E_l^i)^2*(1.602\times10^{-19})}
=\frac{2.1104\times10^{-3}C^{2D}}{m_c^ * m_d(E_l^i)^2}J\cdot s/V/kg =\frac{21.104C^{2D}}{m_c^ * m_d(E_l^i)^2} cm^2V^{-1}s^{-1}
where the units for C^{2D}, m_c^*, m_d and E_l^i are N/m, m_0, m_0 and eV, respectively.
E(k)=E_0+\frac{\hbar^2k^2}{2m*}=A*k^2+Bk+C \frac{\hbar^2}{m^*}=\frac{\partial^2E}{\partial^2k}=2A\Rightarrow\frac{1}{m^*}=\frac{1}{\hbar^2}\frac{\partial^2E}{\partial^2k} * In atomic units, m^*=\frac{1}{2A}
energy surface
of VB/CB at every K points,$ head eig_bandsurf_024.dat
Kx Ky Kz Energy Kx*Rec Ky*Rec Kz*Rec
-0.01500000 -0.01500000 0.00000000 -0.27691100 -0.01163803 -0.02017344 -0.00000006
-0.01350000 -0.01500000 0.00000000 -0.27680900 -0.01047423 -0.02017344 -0.00000006
-0.01200000 -0.01500000 0.00000000 -0.27672800 -0.00931042 -0.02017344 -0.00000006
-0.01050000 -0.01500000 0.00000000 -0.27666400 -0.00814662 -0.02017344 -0.00000006
where Kx/Ky/Kz
are K points near VBM/CBM,Kx*Rec/Ky*Rec/Kz*Rec
are K points multiplied by reciprocal lattice vectors (similar to the conversion from Direct coordinates to Cartesian coordinates), and Energy
is the energy for this band at Kx/Ky/Kz
5. Extract K lines across VBM/CBM point (e.g., \Gamma) along x/y
direction with atomic unit convertion
awk '($1~/0.00000000/){print $6*0.529,$4/27.21}' eig_bandsurf_024.dat >emass_vb_ky_au.dat
awk '($2~/0.00000000/){print $5*0.529,$4/27.21}' eig_bandsurf_024.dat >emass_vb_kx_au.dat
awk '($1~/0.00000000/){print $6*0.529,$4/27.21}' eig_bandsurf_025.dat >emass_cb_ky_au.dat
awk '($2~/0.00000000/){print $5*0.529,$4/27.21}' eig_bandsurf_025.dat >emass_cb_kx_au.dat
, get total energy, Vaccum level, VBM and CBM for each step.Ref