- FTP - 21 by default and configurable.
- Passive FTP port - 55536 ~ 56559 by default and configurable
- SSH - 22 by default and configurable.
- SMTP - 25 by default and configurable.
- Web Server/HTTP - 80; HTTPS - 8081 by default and configurable.
- Netbios/SAMBA - 137, 138, 139, 445
- SSL/HTTPS - 443 by defualt and configurable
- AFP - 548
- Rsync - 873 by default and configurable.
- RTRR - 8899 by default and configurable
- MySQL - 3306 by defualt and configurable
- System management, Web File Manager, Multimedia Station, Download Station, Surveillance Station
- 8080 by default and configurable.
- Twonkymedia - 9000
- Telnet - 13131 by default and configurable
- BitTorrent - 6881~6999 by default and configurable.
- Syslog - 514 by defualt and configurable
- SNMP - 161 by default and configurable
- TFTP - 69 by default and configurable
- PPTP - 1723
- OpenVPN - 1194 by defualt and configurable
- RADIAUS - monitors UDP ports 1645, 1812 (for RADIUS Authentication) and 1646, 1813 (for RADIUS Accounting) for RADIUS requests.
- LDAP Server - 389
- NFS - 2049, 111 and dynamic ports