tar -xvf qe-6.7-ReleasePack.tgz
cd qe-6.7
# download thermo_pw <https://github.com/dalcorso/thermo_pw/releases/download/1.4.1/thermo_pw.1.4.1.tar.gz>
tar -xvf thermo_pw.1.4.1.tar.gz
# Modify Modules/parameters.f90 and set npk=999999
# Modify PHonon/PH/phcom.f90 and set maxter = 500
# Modify PHonon/PH/lambda.f90 and set npk = 500
make veryclean
export FFTW_INCLUDE=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/fftw-3.3.8-gcc-4.8.5/include/
./configure --with-scalapack=yes FC=gfortran F90=gfortran F77=gfortran CC=gcc MPIF90=mpif90 BLAS_LIBS="/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/gnu/libopenblas.a" SCALAPACK_LIBS="/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/gnu/libscalapack.a" FFT_LIBS="/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/fftw-3.3.8-gcc-4.8.5/lib/libfftw3.a" --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/config/soft/qe.bin/qe68.gcc7.fftw
## Tips: 1. Add -ffpe-summary=none to FFLAGS
cd thermo_pw
make join_qe
cd ..
nohup make all xspectra epw w90 want d3q yambo thermo_pw &
tail -f nohup.out
make install
tar -xvf qe-6.6-ReleasePack.tgz
cd qe-6.6
# Modify Modules/parameters.f90 and set npk=999999
# Modify PHonon/PH/ phcom.f90 and set maxter = 500
export FFTW_INCLUDE=/opt/local/amd/2.2/amd-fftw/include
./configure --with-scalapack=yes FC=gfortran F90=gfortran F77=gfortran CC=gcc MPIF90=mpif90 BLAS_LIBS="/opt/local/amd/2.2/amd-blis/lib/libblis.a" LAPACK_LIBS="/opt/local/amd/2.2/amd-libflame/lib/libflame.a" SCALAPACK_LIBS="/opt/local/amd/2.2/amd-scalapack/lib/libscalapack.a" FFT_LIBS="/opt/local/amd/2.2/amd-fftw/lib/libfftw3.a" --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/qe/bin/qe66.gcc9.amd
## Tips: 1. delete BEEF_LIBS,BEEF_LIBS_SWITCH and -Duse_beef 2. Add -D__FFTW3 to DFLAGS 3. Add -ffpe-summary=none to FFLAGS
nohup make pw ph pp pwcond neb cp ld1 tddfpt xspectra hp epw w90 yambo d3q &
tail -f nohup.out
make install
flag for configuration, errors happen easily!pw.x
ported on GPU!tar -xvf qq-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.5a2.tar.gz
cd q-e-gpu-qe-gpu-6.5a2
export PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64-llvm/18.10/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64-llvm/18.10/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# load openmpi path
# Computing power of 1080Ti: 60
export MKLROOT=/opt/intel15/composerxe/mkl
./configure --with-scalapack=no FC=pgfortran F90=pgfortran F77=pgfortran CC=pgcc MPIF90=mpif90 BLAS_LIBS="-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -ldl" FFT_LIBS="/opt/local/fftw3.pgi18/lib/libfftw3.a" --prefix=/home/muyw/backup/qe.mkl -with-cuda="/usr/local/cuda-9.2" --with-cuda-cc=60 --with-cuda-runtime=9.2
make pw
make install
comes from the output of pgaccelinfo
and phcg.x
could be accelerated by GPU in 6.6a1 version.tar -xvf q-e-qe-6.5.tar.gz
cd q-e-qe-6.5
. ~/.soft/envs/env_compiler oneapi
export FFTW_INCLUDE=${MKLROOT}/include/fftw
./configure --with-scalapack=intel F90=ifort F77=ifort CC=icc MPIF90=mpiifort FFT_LIBS="${MKLROOT}/interfaces/fftw3xf/libfftw3xf_intel.a" --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/qe/bin.onepai #-enable-openmp
nohup make pw ph pp pwcond neb cp ld1 tddfpt xspectra hp epw w90 yambo d3q &
make install
tar -xvf q-e-qe-6.8.tar.gz
cd q-e-qe-6.8
module remove mpi/hpcx/gcc-7.3.1
module load compiler/intel/2021.3.0
module load mpi/intelmpi/2021.3.0
export FFTW_INCLUDE=${MKLROOT}/include/fftw
./configure --with-scalapack=intel F90=ifort F77=ifort CC=icc MPIF90=mpiifort FFT_LIBS="/public/home/ywmu_sxu/.soft/libadd/staticlib/oneapi/libfftw3xf_intel.a" --prefix=/public/home/ywmu_sxu/source/bin68
nohup make pw ph pp pwcond neb cp ld1 tddfpt xspectra hp epw w90 yambo d3q &
make install
cd elpa-2021.11.001
FC=mpiifort CC=icc ./configure --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/elpa FCFLAGS="-O3" CFLAGS="-O3" --enable-option-checking=fatal SCALAPACK_LDFLAGS="-L$MKL_HOME/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm -Wl,-rpath,$MKL_HOME/lib/intel64" SCALAPACK_FCFLAGS="-L$MKL_HOME/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -I$MKL_HOME/include/intel64/lp64" --enable-avx2
make install
cd q-e-qe-7.1
export FFTW_INCLUDE=${MKLROOT}/include/fftw
export ELPAROOT=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/elpa
export ELPAVER=elpa-2021.11.001
./configure F90=ifort F77=ifort CC=icc MPIF90=mpiifort FFT_LIBS="${MKLROOT}/interfaces/fftw3xf/libfftw3xf_intel.a" --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/qe/bin.onepai --with-scalapack=intel -enable-parallel -enable-openmp --with-elpa-include="${ELPAROOT}/include/${ELPAVER}/modules" --with-elpa-lib="${ELPAROOT}/lib/libelpa.a" --with-elpa-version=beyond
# add "-march=core-avx2" to FFLAGS and CFLAGS in make.inc
nohup make pw ph pp pwcond all_currents kcw neb cp ld1 tddfpt xspectra hp epw w90 yambo d3q &
nohup make pwcond all_currents kcw neb cp ld1 tddfpt xspectra hp epw w90 yambo d3q &
make install
cd elpa-2021.11.001
FC=mpiifort CC=icc ./configure --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/elpa FCFLAGS="-O3" CFLAGS="-O3" --enable-option-checking=fatal SCALAPACK_LDFLAGS="-L$MKL_HOME/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm -Wl,-rpath,$MKL_HOME/lib/intel64" SCALAPACK_FCFLAGS="-L$MKL_HOME/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -I$MKL_HOME/include/intel64/lp64" --enable-avx2
make install
cd q-e-qe-7.1
export FFTW_INCLUDE=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/fftw-3.3.8.g7/include
export ELPAROOT=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/elpa
export ELPAVER=elpa-2021.11.001
./configure FC=gfortran F90=gfortran F77=gfortran CC=gcc MPIF90=mpif90 FFT_LIBS="/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/fftw-3.3.8.g7/lib/libfftw3.a" BLAS_LIBS="/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/gnu/libopenblas.a" --with-scalapack=yes SCALAPACK_LIBS="/home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/gnu/libscalapack.a" --prefix=/home/ywmu/backup/Src/qe/bin.ompi -enable-parallel -enable-openmp --with-elpa-include="${ELPAROOT}/include/${ELPAVER}/modules" --with-elpa-lib="${ELPAROOT}/lib/libelpa.a" --with-elpa-version=beyond
nohup make pw ph pp pwcond all_currents kcw neb cp ld1 tddfpt xspectra hp epw w90 yambo d3q &
make install
tar -xvf v3.1.0.tar.gz
cd wannier90-3.1.0
cp config/make.inc.ifort make.inc
### Edit make.inc:
COMMS = mpi
MPIF90 = mpif90
LIBS = /home/ywmu/backup/Src/comlib/gnu/libopenblas.a
### Edit Makefile
PREFIX ?= /home/ywmu/.soft/espresso/otherbin
make intall
sudo yum install libGL-devel libGLU-devel libXmu-devel libXScrnSaver.x86_64
tar -xvf xcrysden-1.6.2_sobereva.tar.gz
cd xcrysden-1.6.2
... (set no crystal)
vi ~/.xcrysden/custom-definitions
set xcMisc(gif_encoder) convert
set xcMisc(ImageMagick.convert) "/usr/bin/convert \
-quality 300 -border 3x3 -bordercolor black"
### change background color from back to white
set myParam(BACKGROUND) {1.00 1.00 1.00}
: Print to imageCtrl+s
: save structure (e.g. as xsf)Ctrl+t
: save state and structure (e.g. as xsf)y
: Coordinate systemf
: forcesF3/F4
: Primitive/Convertional Cellshift+a
: atomic colorshift+c
: cell colorshift+n
: supercell viewt
: Transparent Fermi Surfacec
: Display first Brillouin zonep
: Crop Fermi surface to first BZshift+s
: surface colorshift+c
: cell colorDownload Cygwin from http://www.cygwin.com/
Double click setup-x86_64.exe
, install it step by step, Select Domestic sources (e.g., 163.com), Install tcl-tk (8.6), tcl-togl, ImageMagick, xinit, mesa, libGLU1, libfftw3_3, libgfortran4
Set Environment for Xcrysden:
export DISPLAY=:0
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/Togl2.0
from the its home directory.AdvGeom
and Property
modules are only active if the CRYSTAL
package was installed, but the band path selection is available for all users.Burai | QuantumVITAS | QE on Device Studio | |
Input geometry format | xyz/POSCAR/xsf/pwscf/cif | Only pwscf(+g2g),not convenient | POSCAR/xyz/cif/hzw |
Support | Relaxation/Cell Relaxation/Single Point/Band Structure/DOS/MD | Relaxation/Cell Relaxation/Single Point/Band Structure/DOS/MD/Transition State/TDDFT/Phonon | Relaxation/Cell Relaxation/Single Point/Band Structure/DOS |
Modeler | Slab/Supercell/Translate | No(+Vesta/Avogadro2/PyMatGen/vaspkit) | Many functions from Device Studio |
Optimization/MD Trace | Movie | Frames | No |
Band Structure Output Analysis and Plot s | Bands, not convinent for K-path input | Fat band, Copy K-path from materialscloud | very convenient in Device Studio |
On Development | no | yes | yes |
Drawback: | supported tasks too few | input geometry is not convenient | MPI is Not supported. supported tasks too few |
and qe
from QuantumVITAS to D:\Temp\QEcmd
to D:\Temp\QEcmd
, and double click it. The content is as follows,Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
busybox.exe sh
Go to the working directory, right click on the background, and click RunQE
Run tasks like,
mpiexec -np 2 pw.exe -in relax.in | tee relax.out.pwscf
with Avogadro2, and export it out as opt.cif