Fig. 1Schematic illustration of different types of semimetals and representative materials. a, Normal semimetal with the coexistence of electron and hole pockets. b, Semimetal with quadratic conduction and valence bands touching at the same momentum point. c, Weyl semimetal and Dirac semimetal. d, Semimetal with one hole pocket from the normal quadratic band and one electron pocket from the linear Weyl semimetal band for NbP. The valence and conduction bands are indicated by blue and green shading, respectively. The Fermi energy is marked in each case by a horizontal line.[1]
Fig. 2. (Left) Conventional type I Weyl point with pointlike Fermi surface. (Right) Type II Weyl point is the touching point between electron and hole pockets. Red and blue (highlighted) isoenergy contours denote the Fermi surface coming from electron and hole pockets with chemical potential tuned to the touching point.
energy surface
of each band
at every K points,$ head eig_bandsurf_004.dat
Kx Ky Kz Energy Kx*Rec Ky*Rec Kz*Rec
0.30333300 0.30333000 0.00000000 -0.90880000 0.77226277 1.33758928 0.00000000
0.30583300 0.30333000 0.00000000 -0.86824900 0.77862758 1.34126400 0.00000000
0.30833300 0.30333000 0.00000000 -0.82815100 0.78499239 1.34493872 0.00000000
0.31083300 0.30333000 0.00000000 -0.78858300 0.79135720 1.34861345 0.00000000
where Kx/Ky/Kz
are K points near Dirac point,Kx*Rec/Ky*Rec/Kz*Rec
are K points multiplied by the reciprocal lattice vecctors (similar to the conversion from Direct coordinates to Cartesian coordinates), and Energy
is the energy for this band at Kx/Ky/Kz
5. Extract K lines across Dirac point along x/y
awk '($1 ~ /0.33333/ && $2 < 0.33333)' eig_bandsurf_004.dat > Dirac_ky.dat
awk '($2 ~ /0.33333/ && $1 < 0.33333)' eig_bandsurf_004.dat > Dirac_kx.dat
awk '($1 ~ /0.33333/ && $2 > 0.33333)' eig_bandsurf_005.dat > Dirac_ky2.dat
awk '($2 ~ /0.33333/ && $1 > 0.33333)' eig_bandsurf_005.dat > Dirac_kx2.dat
6. Only K points near Dirac point satisfy linear realtionship, so some K point far from Dirac point should be deleted. Take kx direction for example, to plot y=col(4) vs. x=col(5) in Dirac_kx.dat, to delte K point far from Dirac point and keep some near K points which satisfy linear realtionship. Linear Fitting (y=col(4) vs. x=col(5)) using remaining K points to get the slope along kx direction (or y=col(4) vs. x=col(6) for ky in Dirac_ky.dat ), \frac{dE}{dk_x}=6.337, \frac{dE}{dk_y}=5.485 eV \AA, as a result, v_F for graphene is 9.62\times10^5/8.33\times10^5 m/s along x/y direction.
7. Energy surfaces near Dirac point could be plotted by Gnuplot using files like eig_bandsurf_004.dat.