[3]there is a clear, linear Brønsted–Evans–Polanyi-type (11, 12) relationship between the activation energy for dissociation and the nitrogen–surface bond energy.
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Fig. 1: H2 phase diagram
Fig. 2: C capture an diffuse
The Gibbs free energy calculation and the diagram of graphene edges in CVD growth. The thermodynamic diagram of graphene edges on a metal surface can be obtained by calculating the Gibbs free energy difference, ∆G, between H-terminated and metal passivated graphene edges[5] {\Delta}G ={\Delta}E_f+{\Delta}F_{vib}-N_H\mu_H\ (1) where {\Delta}E_f is the formation energy difference between H-terminated and metal passivated graphene edges, {\Delta}F_{vib} is the free energy of H at the graphene edge due to the vibration, NH is the number of H atoms at the graphene edges, and \mu_H is the chemical potential of H which is a function of H2 partial pressure p and temperature T. {\Delta}F_{vib} can be calculated as[6] {\Delta}F_{vib}=-k_BT[\frac{\beta \hbar \omega}{e^{\beta \hbar \omega}-1}-ln(1-e^{-\beta \hbar \omega})], Where \omega is the vibration frequency. The vibration frequencies of the system are calculated by the VASP (details shown in the method part of the main text) by software package. The frequencies of an optimized local minimum contains 3N-6 positive real eigenvalues (where N is the number of atoms). In the vibrational frequencies calculations, the bottom metal atoms are frozen. The Hessian matrix was built by displacing individual atoms along the coordinate directions, with a Cartesian displacement of 0.02 Bohr.
The chemical potential of hydrogen can be written as[5] 2\mu_H=E_{H_2}-k_BTln(\frac{k_BT}{p}\times g \times \zeta_{trans}\times \zeta_{rot}\times \zeta_{vib}) where E_{H_2} is the energy of a H2 molecule at the temperature of 0 K, g is the degree of degeneracy of the electrons. \zeta_{trans}, \zeta_{rot} and \zeta_{vib} are the partition functions for translational, rotational, and vibration motions, respectively
Method from[5] We choose the ideal, bare 1\times 1 surface (relaxed but unreconstructed) as our reference, and define the Gibbs free energy of formation {\Delta}G^f as follows: {\Delta}G^f=E_{tot}[GaN(0001)]-E_{tot}[GaN(0001),ideal] +{\Delta}F_{vib}-n_{Ga}\mu_{Ga}-n_N\mu_N-n_{H}\mu_{H} E_{tot}[GaN(0001)] is the calculated total energy for the surface under study, and E_{tot}[GaN(0001),ideal] is the total energy of our reference system. n_Ga(N,H) is the number of Ga(N,H) atoms added to the unit cell (positive or negative). {\Delta}F_{vib} includes vibrational contributions to the free energy and is discussed below. \mu_{Ga} and \mu_{N} are the chemical potentials of Ga and N, i.e., the free energies of the reservoirs with which Ga and N atoms are exchanged.
Invoking equilibrium with GaN[8] leaves us with a single parameter to describe the stoichiometry, for which we choose \mu_{Ga}. \mu_{Ga} varies over the thermodynamically allowed range: \mu_{Ga[bulk]}+{\Delta}H_f[GaN]<\mu_{Ga}<\mu_{Ga_{bulk}}, the upper limit corresponding to Ga-rich conditions, the lower limit to N-rich (\mu_N=\mu_{N[N_2]}. {\Delta}H_f[GaN] is the enthalpy of formation (negative for a stable compound). Our calculated value for {\Delta}H_f[GaN] is 21.24 eV (experiment: 21.17 eV, Ref. [9]). \mu_{H}, finally, is the free energy of H2 and describes the abundance of H in the environment.
The temperature (and pressure) dependence of the reservoirs has also been included in Eq. (1); this is particularly important for gaseous species, e.g., for hydrogen: 2\mu_H=E_{H_2}+k_BTln(\frac{pV_Q}{k_BT}-ln Z_{rot}-ln Z_{vib}] where EH2 is the energy of an H2 molecule, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, and p is the pressure. V_Q=(h^2/2\pi m k_B T)^{3/2} is the quantum volume, and Zrot and Zvib are the rotational and vibrational partition functions.
H(T)=E{elec}+E_{ZPE}+\int_{0K}^T C_V dT E_{ZPE}=\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\#DOF}\hbar\omega_i \int\limits_{0K}^TC_VdT=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\#DOF}\frac{\hbar\omega_i}{exp(\hbar\omega/k_BT)-1} S(T)=k_B\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\#DOF}(\frac{\hbar\omega_i/k_BT}{\exp(\hbar\omega_i/k_BT)-1}-ln(1-exp(-\hbar\omega_i/k_BT))) * Rate constants estimtated by: k_i=\nu_i{\cdot}exp(-E_a/k_BT)=\frac{k_BT}{h}{\cdot}exp(-\Delta{S}/k_B){\cdot}exp(-E_a/k_BT)