:D 获取中...

1 Notepad++

1.1 PreviewHTML

  • Install PreviewHTML (opensource)
  • Install Pandoc
  • Intall Plugin PreviewHTML in notepadd++
  • Modify Setting in %HomeOfNPP%\plugins\Config\PreviewHTML:
  1. create Filters.ini
; Content of Filter.ini file
Command=D:\Qsync\dosbin\Pandoc\pandoc.exe --standalone --number-sections --katex="https://blog.nanomat.top/katex/" --citeproc --bibliography="D:/Qsync/dosbin/Refs4Mu/JabRef4Mu.bib" --csl="D:\Qsync\dosbin\InWords\pandocmodels\american-chemical-society.csl"   --css="https://blog.nanomat.top/pandocmodels/markdown2html.css" --template="D:\Qsync\dosbin\InWords\pandocmodels\article_tmp.html"  --to=html5 -o "%2" -f markdown+smart "%1"
  1. create Settings.ini

1.1.1 Drawback

  • The PreviewHTML will always show the top of the html after refresh.
  • No able to synchronize with the caret postion
  • Autorefresh problem with 64 bit version

1.2 Markdown Panel

  • Install Markdown Panel in the plugin manager (opensource)
  • Able to synchronize with the caret postion

1.2.1 Drawback

  • No Pandoc support
  • No bibliography support
  • Add Mathjax support, add the following line to the head of markdown:
<script src='https://blog.nanomat.top/mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML' async></script>

but I prefer Katex to Mathjax

1.3 MarkdownView++

  • Install Markdown Panel in the plugin manager

1.3.1 Drawback

  • No Pandoc support
  • No bibliography support
  • Problem with image support

2 Notepad3 vs. Noted2-mod

  • Notepad3 enhanced notepad2-mod a little

  • Notepad3 render ahk worse than notepad2-mod

  • Notepad3 render md better than notepad2-mod

  • Notepad3 has an embeded calculator

  • Markdown preview could be realized with Notepad3 + Edge browser + Autohotkey.